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Hurricane Recovery: agricultural rehabilitation

Photo Dec 19, 2 45 56 PM

NOVA’s plan to help the community of Cavaillon recover from Hurricane Matthew included three major areas of assistance:  roof repair, agricultural rehabilitation and tree replanting.

To assist with agricultural rehabilitation NOVA partnered with the mayor of Cavaillon, Mr. Ernst Ais, and a community organization made up of farmers in the community.  The mayor is leading this effort and NOVA dedicated part of the funds we raised from our donors to sponsor these efforts.

The mayor’s plan is  to replant rice and beans, to replow fields which were flooded during the hurricane, and  to purchase and distribute over 2,000 plantain trees that were lost.  The trees were distributed to families throughout the community. Plantain trees grow quickly and will help provide food security that was lost by the hurricane.

In this photo,  the mayor and our head doctor, Dr. Nixon Altenord,  are distributing the plantain tree bulbs to families seen in the foreground.  They might not look like much but they are so valuable to the community.

While NOVA’s primary mission is to provide medical caret throughout the year, NOVA is very gratetful to the generosity of our donors for our hurricane relief efforts and we want you all to know that your donations are going directly to help an entire community recover for this terrible storm.


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