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NOVA’s 15th Medical Mission about to head to Haiti

On January 26th to February 3rd NOVA will conduct our 15th Medical Mission in Haiti

2013 will see the largest team NOVA has sent to Haiti to date, with 33 doctors, nurses, translators, and other volunteers going to Cavaillon, Haiti to open a week long emergency care clinic.

Things are looking good: our medicine is already in Haiti, the team is complete, we have our tickets, and NOVA’s bus, donated last year by the Knights of Malta is ready and waiting to carry us across the country to the people we serve.

This year’s mission has more work than usual and the large team is going to make it all possible.  Part of the team will be dedicated to getting Boileau Clinic up and running.  For the first time, NOVA will be able to provide medical care year round in the area.  This is a quantum leap in the care we provide.  Our sickest pediatric patients will be referred from Cavaillon to Boileau (only a 10 minute drive away) if they need follow up care after we leave.

In addition, Fr. Lampy, the pastor of Our Lady of Perpetual Help Church in Cavaillon, has asked us to hold a one-day satellite clinic in a remote fishing village about a 45 minute drive from town, for which he is responsible.  Our team who were in Haiti in November to organize the Boileau Clinic visited the site and thought that it would be well worth the effort to help these people who are a long distance from the town center.

All of this will be in addition to seeing our normal throng of over 1200 patients during the week.  It will be a lot of work but this team is top notch and ready for the challenges.

In addition to getting the clinic organized, ordering medicines, purchasing plane tickets, making travel arrangements for a team of 24 people in Haiti and everything else that goes into organizing a major medical mission, the team is also responsible for raising the funds needed for this mission.  This does not include airfare which the volunteers pay for themselves.

Once again, $13,000.00 of the $22,000.00 is being generously donated by the Church of the Presentation in Upper Saddle River, NJ, and we raised about $5,000.00 at the annual garage sale hosted by our friends at DOMUS.

We need your help to make this mission possible.  All money donated toward the upcoming medical mission will go directly to purchase medicine, supplies, and ground expenses for the team.  Please help us provide medical care to men, women and children who have none in a country that has suffered much.

A $500.00 donation will pay for all the expenses of a medical mission volunteer to provide medical care, including medicines, for the week we are in Haiti.  Can you help?  Any amount will be great appreciated!




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