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Hurricane Sandy: a strange solidarity in the wake of a superstorm

NOVA Hope for Haiti wishes to express our sincerest condolences to those who lost loved ones because of Hurricane Sandy and our sympathies to all who continue to suffer because of lost homes, power, heat and property.

The huge swath of destruction caused by this historic event has created a strange and unfortunate solidarity between the US and Haiti, as well as other countries in the Caribbean.  It is estimated that 181 people have died because of this storm.  110 people have died in the US, with New York being the hardest hit.  In Haiti the death toll is officially 54 people dead, however as anyone who has been to Haiti would know, this number could easily rise as the country lacks the ability to account for everyone after an event like this.

Recovery from the damage caused by this storm will take a long time and be very expensive.  And while it is little comfort to those who lost friends, family or homes, we can be grateful here in the US that we have the support of our local and national government to help us through this.  And while it will be tough, we have the economic means to recover and rebuild.  And of course, through this all, we must help one another as good neighbors and good citizens.

NOVA asks that we in the the northeast and around our country please remember those hit by this same storm in Haiti who do not have the same means to overcome a disaster like this.   In this crisis let us reach out our poorer neighbors, here and abroad, with compassion and assistance.

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