CMIB Staff
On February 4, 2013 NOVA Hope for Haïti commenced operating the Centre Materno et Infantil de Boileau in conjunction with the Haitian Pilgrims of Lewisville, TX. As the name implies, although open to the population at large CMIB is creating programs that will address women of child bearing age, pregnant women and new born infants through the age of five years.
The center provides counseling, routine pre and postpartum examinations, referrals for complicated pregnancies, practical courses in health and hygiene, routine childhood examinations and vaccinations and transient nutritional intervention where acute malnutrition is documented.
The clinic is presently open four complete days a week and this will expand as patient census increases. NOVA has hired two registered nurses, two laboratory technologists, a practical nurse who oversees the pharmacy and a full-time physician who also serves as clinic administrator.
The facility has running water and a full-time dedicated generator during operational hours. There are two examination rooms, a large three-bed observation room where procedures can also be performed, a file room/office, dedicated laboratory and a new large pharmacy. After NOVA’s new clinic has been completed on the property in Martineau, CMIB will continue as a full-time satellite operation for patients far to the south and east of Cavaillon.
Monthly spreadsheet reports of clinic activity , supplies and expenses are delivered via Internet. Members of a small NOVA’s team will travel to Haïti four times a year to spend a week at CMIB reviewing charts, refurbishing supplies, listening to and acting upon staff suggestions and making additional recommendations. The initial two months of operation have been a great success and having a permanent medical staff on the ground will greatly facilitate the large annual traveling team to meet up with appropriate patients who have the greatest medical needs.
Click here to help support NOVA’s full time Mother-Child clinic in Boileau, Haiti.