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Big things happening at NOVA this fall: two missions and the opening of our new clinic!

Summer 2014 was an incredibly exciting and busy time for NOVA.  During July and August we purchased $30,000 worth of medical equipment, supplies and residence furnishings for our new medical clinic in Cavaillon, which will be completed in early October.

It was a lot of work to purchase all of the medical equipment and furnishings for the first floor clinic and the furnishings for the second floor volunteer residence.  Items had to be purchased and then brought or shipped to a storage facility – which was generously donated to NOVA – and then loaded onto a 40′ sea container.  Volunteers packed up the shipping container in Cranbury, NJ and the container arrived in Port au Prince on September 9, 2014. Thanks to NOVA’s volunteers this huge project was done smoothly.

Our set-up mission will meet the container in Port au Prince on October 16th and drive out with it to Cavaillon to set up the clinic in time for our 18th medical mission team to operate out of the clinic on October 20th.   This non-medical mission is a group of volunteers who are going to Haiti to unload the container, and set up the clinic, put examining tables in place, install cabinets in the exam rooms, put the kitchen in order, assemble beds for volunteers and everything else that will go into opening a new facility.

Our 18th medical mission is almost ready to go.  The team is excited to be using the new facility for the mission.  This will be the first time, after 17 medical missions, that our volunteers and patients will have electricity, running water and toilets to use!  It has been our goal to provide as close to first world standards as possible in our clinic in Haiti and thanks to our donors we achieving that goal.  NOVA’s missions typically run like clockwork after 17 successful missions, but this team is ready to face whatever challenges working out of a new place will pose.

If you want to help with the cost of this upcoming mission, please click here.

Click here to see what a typical NOVA medical mission looks like.

After the mission leaves our local staff will begin to use this new facility to see patients while continuing to provide healthcare in Boileau as well.

HHH_logo - CopyIf you want to hear how this all went and see photos of the new building being opened,
join us on October 30th for
NOVA’s Haitian Happy Hour
in New York City.
Click here for details and tickets.


All of the hard work and dedication of our NOVA team is making the dream of treating the children in Haiti come true.


Thank you to everyone who contributed to and supported NOVA for the past nine years!

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