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2 New teams in Haiti and another on the way

Sorry for the delay, but the executive board of NOVA Hope for Haiti and NOVA volunteers have been meeting and working feverishly on getting back in the saddle while still helping with the earthquake relief. While Haiti is receding from view in the news, our efforts have been ramping up even more. Last Thursday NOVA and OCI sent another team of five doctors to work in Project Medishares new tent hospital which was errected in the airport complex in Port-au-Prince. Today a team of four EMT’s are heading down to help with logistics and triage. And then OCI (Our Chance International) with whom NOVA has partnered in this relief effort, is sending a surgical team, complete with two pediatric surgeons, an anesthesiologist, two Haitian nurses and a physician’s assistant. Sue Vallese, one of the Directors of OCI, who has been doing much of the work to organize these trips, is also going with the team to get a view of the operations from on site.
It’s natural, though sad, that the news, by its very nature has to be constantly “new” even to the point of drawing our attention away from the ongoing aftermath of major tragedies like the earthquake two weeks ago. We have been dedicated to providing medical care in Haiti since 2002 and we will continue to work as hard as we can to help in whatever way we can.
Thank you again for your continued care, support and concern. Without those of you who help us silently from sidelines, with your prayers, your moral support and your financial support, none of this would be happening. Keep the people of Haiti in your heart.
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