A mom with her little girl visiting NOVA’s clinic
in Haiti
Since finding out that Casino Night was only $9,000 short of reaching our goal of $70,000 one of NOVA’s supporters, Mr. Kevin Carroll of Manhattan, who was in attendance at our Casino Night, has offered a $10,000 matching gift to help NOVA surpass our goal.
For every dollar you donate to NOVA, he will match it up to $10,000 in order to help NOVA keep their clinic operating for the next year. Any additional funds will be used towards the purchase a much needed jeep and motorbike to bring staff and supplies to remote mountain communities that are too far to reach our clinic. This would also allow us to more effectively vaccinate children in these remote communities.
Help Kevin make a difference in the lives of an entire community. Together you can help NOVA reach and surpass their goal. You can donate right now online at: https://www.novahope.org/products-page/general-donation/matching-gift/ or mail a check made out to:
NOVA Hope for Haiti
176 Palisades Ave.
Emerson, NJ 07630.
NOVA Hope for Haiti is extremely grateful for Kevin’s generosity and support. It is individuals like him who allow NOVA to continue to grow and extend our reach to the people in Haiti who so desperately need our help.